Randall Farm Store Tour

Here on the farm, we pasture raise pigs, goats, cows, chickens, turkeys and sheep. It is important to us to give the animals the best quality of life we can. In the summer we plant pumpkins, gourds, corn and chrysanthemums which are sold on our farm throughout the fall. During early spring when the nights are below freezing, and the days are warm we collect sap and boil it down into pure maple syrup. We also have honeybees which play an important role in pollinating our crops. We have fresh honey for sale here on our website and in our farm store during fall.


These dual-purpose animals are perfect for a homestead. We raise Nubians which provide us with milk and can be cross bred to produce meat grade offspring.


Cattle require large amounts of land when being pasture raised. Because we refuse to over crowd we only have about 1-4 cows on our farm at a time.


Chickens play a very important role here on the farm. We raise both egg laying hens and meat breeds. Eggs are a steady source of food we depend on, and chicken meat is in our opinion our most versatile meat to cook with.


We raise sheep because of their efficient grazing while having low impact on the ground especially during wet seasons. We can get more out of pastures that wouldn't hold up as well to cattle.


Pigs are very productive animals. They have the highest feed to body weight conversion rate of any other farm animal while also producing large litters. Their friendly personalities make them an enjoyable addition to the farm.

Livestock Gaurdian

Our livestock guardian dog, Odi is a Great Pyrenees bred for living with and protecting livestock. He is well mannered but does not appreciate strangers or potential predators. He takes his job seriously!

Pumpkins, Gourds,Corn & Mums

Fall is the best time of the year! Every year we look forward to opening our farm to the public to sell our fall crops we worked hard to grow during the summer. Follow along on our social medias for scheduling updates.

Honey Bees

Not only do honeybees produce delicious honey but they also pollinate our crops. Honeybees are the hardest workers on the farm!

Maple Syrup

In the early spring when the nights are below freezing, and the days are warm we tap our maple trees to collect their sap. We then boil the sap until it becomes delicious maple syrup! It takes around 40 gallons of sap to make one gallon of syrup!